Published on February 17, 2024 by Kenneth Wepukhulu
Last Updated on 1 year by Kenneth Wepukhulu
The Zero Malaria Campaign Coalition (ZMCC), under the auspices of the Ministry of Health’s National Malaria Control Program, has launched a new Zero Malaria Starts With Me campaign dubbed, “The Power of EveryONE,” a campaign that gives every Kenyan the opportunity to play their part in the national goal for zero malaria and ending this deadly disease for good.
The launch was marked by an event hosted at Afrika House in Karen Nairobi, where guests had an interactive introduction to this exciting campaign.
The Power of EveryONE campaign was developed through extensive community engagements and in collaboration with partners. Creative media agency Dentsu Creative, Kenya focused on ensuring that the target communities featured prominently in the creative materials. By photographing community champions and positioning them as the stars of the campaign, the Power of EveryONE shows how everyone can lend their power to unite and end the deadly disease of malaria.
Since its inception in April 2022, the ZMCC has been a driving force for sustainable change bringing together leading actors across sectors to power sustainable malaria campaigns, driving transformational public awareness and inspiring action in the shared goal for Kenya to reach zero malaria. This campaign represents a culmination of these efforts, generating widespread belief that everyone has a role to play in ending malaria in Kenya. The national campaign is complemented by localized versions, focused on increasing awareness and encouraging sustainable behavior change that will help protect more Kenyans from this disease, with a particular emphasis on the endemic regions of Kakamega, Kilifi, and Kisumu.
Malaria remains one of the most severe public health challenges in Kenya, with millions at risk of contracting the disease annually. Through this campaign ‘EveryONE’ can lend their power to getting rid of malaria for good – power to act, power to lend your voice, and the power to prevent and treat malaria – to save the lives of Kenyans from this deadly but preventable disease.
Speaking during the event, Dr Joseph Lenai, the Director for Preventive & Promotive Health said, “Malaria is a significant public health challenge in Kenya and this campaign is a testament to our unwavering commitment to combat malaria. By harnessing the collective efforts of the government, partners, and communities, we are confident that we can significantly reduce, if not eliminate, the incidence of malaria in especially these most affected regions.”
Kenya has made enormous strides in the fight against malaria thanks to a concerted national effort by the Government, partners, and communities. For children under five, prevalence dropped by a quarter from 2015 to 2020 (from 8% to 6%).
Liz Ntonjira, Co-Chair of ZMCC commented, “Through the campaign, we aim to elevate the conversation around malaria and inspire action across all sectors of society. Understanding and having more knowledge around malaria, will ultimately lead to behavior change and this is a critical pillar to tackling the persistent challenges we have when dealing with the disease. Together, we can achieve a malaria-free Kenya.”
The campaign creative elements have been developed by the team at Dentsu Creative, Kenya, in Nairobi. Dentsu has a long history of supporting malaria campaigns and have been the leading global media partner in the fight against malaria internationally since 2017, contributing more than US $5 million to the fight to date.
Chris Madison, Group CEO of Dentsu Creative, Kenya said, “As we launch ‘The Power of EveryONE’ campaign, it’s a vivid reminder that the fight against malaria is not just a battle, but a journey we embark on together. With our collective efforts and innovative approaches, we’re not just aiming for zero malaria; we’re paving the way for a healthier, empowered world. This campaign embodies our shared commitment and highlights the strength of unity in overcoming challenges.”
In an effort to reach and resonate with the mass population, the campaign has enlisted the support of local voices of influence such as Abel Mutua, Yvonne Okwara, Malaria Youth Corps and Sauti Sol, all of who will leverage their influence to spread the message of malaria prevention and control.
Abel Mutua, ZMCC Ambassador said, “As a local influencer in Kenya, I’ve learned the importance of perseverance and teamwork. The fight against malaria requires the same dedication. I’m proud to be part of this campaign, encouraging everyone in all walks of life to play their part in eradicating this disease.”
Central to The Power of EveryONE campaign is the engagement of the youth, who are pivotal in driving the change necessary to overcome malaria. The campaign seeks to generate widespread awareness of malaria and drive the belief that everyone has a role to play in ending this disease in Kenya.
This campaign brings together high-profile ambassadors, the Kenya Malaria Youth Corps, creatives, local communities, and partners to inspire a nationwide movement to support and act towards reaching zero malaria in their lifetime. By emphasizing the power of individual and collective action, the campaign underscores the role EveryONE in Kenya must play – no matter what their age, where they live, or what they do. Through the power of everyONE, and through collective will it’s possible to drive Kenya to zero malaria.
The launch event will serve as a platform to showcase the campaign’s objectives, unveil its ambassadors, and mobilize support from various sectors. It will be a momentous occasion, marking a renewed and intensified effort to combat malaria in Kenya.
Despite ongoing challenges, significant progress has been made in reducing the burden of malaria in Kenya through concerted efforts involving Government, scientists, partners and communities. Everyone is impacted by malaria, and everyone has a role to play in ending this disease. It will take each one of us to come together so we can end malaria, save millions of lives, and protect the futures of our families, our communities, and our country.
Key Malaria Facts
- Malaria is a preventable, treatable and curable disease.
- Kenya has made great strides in fighting malaria with the prevalence of malaria, reducing from 11.2 % in 2010 to 6% in 2020,
- Kenya has a vision to being Malaria-free by 2030.
- Malaria still has a significant impact on Kenyan citizens. In 2022, Kenya still saw 3.4 million cases of malaria and 11,788 deaths and malaria accounted for 13- 15 % of all outpatient attendance in public health facilities.
- Malaria seriously damages the Kenyan economy through lost workdays and school absenteeism as well as costs for treatment.
- This is a critical moment in the malaria fight with progress threatened by challenges in drug and insecticide resistance, in climate change, in the need for strong financial commitments to reach elimination, amongst other things.