The Nairobi City County government yesterday moved to further enhance the face of Nairobi’s central business district (CBD) weeks after the county started night cleaning exercises.
In a move aimed at ensuring that the CBD looks decent, the county led by Governor Johnson Sakaja removed all low hanging signage from city buildings. The signage affected are those that hang above corridors and pavements but the signs mounted on walls on the upper levels of buildings were left.
This move is aimed at making Nairobi a city of dignity in line with the governor’s election promises and comes at a time when Nairobi is expected to have an influx of foreign visitors expected to come for the upcoming Africa Nations championship football tournament (CHAN) set to be played in February.
The Urban Planning Sector (Outdoor Advertising) in working with the Planning Compliance and Enforcement led by Chief of Staff David Njoroge and Chief Officer Patrick Analo cleared illegal advertising cluttered structures in streets of CBD. The night long exercise was supported by Green Army and Fire and Disaster Department
These low hanging structures makes pedestrian walking a challenge and lower aesthetics.
The exercises being undertaken have quickly borne fruits as the city is cleaned at night while hawkers have been moved from the main city streets to the back streets a move that has not only eliminated dirt and heaps of garbage but also solved the incessant problem of congestion.
Additionally, the county environment chief officer Geoffrey Mosiria has issued circulars notifying matatus to vacate stages at night during the designated clean up times while hawkers in the back streets have been directed to wind up their wares by 10:00 pm everyday to allow the county time to clean up the back streets.
Building occupants have also been directed to ensure they maintain cleanliness in their buildings by providing adequate waste receptacles within their premises.